The Town Highway Grant application process is now open! Eligible structures include bridges, culverts (36 inch diameter or larger), and retaining walls that are part of the municipalities’ highway (Class 1, 2, or 3) infrastructure. State funds are required to be matched by at least:

1. 20 percent of total project cost with municipal funds, or

2. 10 percent of total project cost with municipal funds providing that municipalities have:

  • Adopted town highway codes and standards that meet or exceed the minimum requirements of the VTrans January 23, 2013 template, and
  • Conducted a highway infrastructure study (not less than three years old) which identifies all town culverts, bridges, and identified road problems. The inventory would include location, size, deficiency/condition, and estimated cost of repair; where the condition is less than acceptable.

State grant amounts are limited to $175,000 for any one project. Projects are selected by the District Transportation Administrator (DTA) from applications submitted by municipalities on a once-per-year basis (typically due in April).

Projects may address the maintenance and construction of bridges, culverts, and other structures including causeways and retaining walls. In general, the improvement must materially preserve the integrity of the eligible structure of only Class 1, 2, or 3 town highways. Administration work associated with these projects, are not eligible costs, however, engineering or design costs incurred by a municipality are eligible. Municipalities must submit a Town Highway Grant Application to the DTA defining the work proposed, a detailed cost estimate, and information necessary for environmental resource impact review. Town Highway Grant Application forms may be obtained from the district or online at:

For any questions please contact Rita Seto at 457-3188 or [email protected]