Link: Pesticide use in marijuana production, US
Pesticide Use in Marijuana Production: Safety Issues and Sustainable Options As states legalize cannabis, toxins in cultivation intersect with health and the environment, and ecological…
Pesticide Use in Marijuana Production: Safety Issues and Sustainable Options As states legalize cannabis, toxins in cultivation intersect with health and the environment, and ecological…
Healthy retail playbook This playbook presents 15 innovative strategies to increase the accessibility of nutritious foods and beverages, and to limit the prevalence or visibility…
The Effectiveness of Limiting Alcohol Outlet Density As a Means of Reducing Excessive Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol-Related Harms The regulation of alcohol outlet density may…
Cannabis Legalization in State Legislatures: Public Health Opportunity and Risk This Article examines provisions of proposed adult use cannabis legalization bills active in state legislatures…
AARP Age-Friendly Network The AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities serves as a catalyst to educate local leaders (both elected officials and engaged residents) and encourage…
Content neutral advertising laws – tips and tools Local governments are often well within their authority to regulate advertisements in a content-neutral manner. Tags: Signage…
Restricting tobacco advertising Tips and tools for ways to restrict tobacco advertising, including time, place, and manner restrictions. TAGS: municipal regulation, ordinance, zoning, retail, marketing
This Smoke-free Multiunit Housing Model Ordinance was prepared for California cities and counties interested in creating smoke-free multiunit residences by prohibiting smoking on the premises.…
Sample ordinance from the city of Novato, CA. Covers tobacco, vaping, cannabis, and crack cocaine smoke. Covers apartments and condos.
Link: Investigates associations between marijuana abuse/dependence hospitalizations and community demographic and environmental conditions from 2001 to 2012 in California, as well as cross-sectional associations…
A moratorium temporarily prohibited recreational cannabis in order to allow the town time to study and consider the issues in relation to their zoning bylaw.…
This is a sample zoning ordinance that illustrates the use of buffer and nuisance provisions in relation to cannabis establishment. The language cannot be used…
Public health considerations for local marijuana regulation Considerations for the local regulation of the retail interface with the population, marketing, and taxation
Best regulatory practices for minimizing youth harm from exposure to cannabis establishments. Matrix of factors to consider, what the data show, best practices to minimize…
This resolution was adopted in 2015 by the Berkeley City Council, and establishes a tobacco retailer buffer zone around schools. TAGS: tobacco, tobacco substitute products,…
This model ordinance was prepared to help local California jurisdictions respond to the legalization of recreational cannabis approved by voters in 2016. The ordinance focuses…