- When:
April 9, 2016 @ 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
America/New York Timezone
- Where:
Robert H. Gibson River Garden
157 Main St
Brattleboro, VT 05301
- Cost:
- Free
- Categories:
- Other Meetings
Join us! Everyone is welcome
Join the salamander crossing brigade and
Learn how to identify vernal pools Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center
Map and control Japanese Knotweed Brattleboro Conservation Commission
Maintain local trails and develop new ones Brattleboro Area Trail System
Plant trees and advocate for them Brattleboro Tree Advisor Board
Measure and map rain, hail and snow Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow
Restore and protect your watershed Connecticut River Watershed Alliance
Learn and share how you can Soak up the Rain U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Name local streams and more!
Vermont Natural Resources Atlas: VT DEC
Track fire flies this summer Museum of Science, Boston
Join Forest Pest First Detectors VT Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation
Take photographs to document the changing environment Digital Earth Network: Picture Post
Volunteer to monitor and educate about water quality Southeast Vermont Watershed Association
Add your observations about animals and plants to the Vermont Atlas of Life Vermont Center for Ecostudies
Learn about the power of water at the stream table and Make a seed bomb to stabilize our river banks Windham County Natural Resource Conservation District |
*This workshop is co-sponsored by: the Town of Brattleboro; Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center; Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation-Watershed Management Division; the Southeast Vermont Watershed Alliance; and Windham County Natural Resources Conservation District, as well as U.S. Environmental Protection Agency New England.