- When:
March 30, 2016 @ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
America/New York Timezone
- Categories:
- Workshops/Training
For municipal leaders, public health professionals, emergency service providers and community members.
March 30, 2016
5:30 to 8:00 pm
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH
Supported by the Upper Valley Adaptation Workgroup & the Public Health Council of the Upper Valley
Purpose of Forum:
- To provide information about the potential health impacts from climate change
- To identify regional priorities relative to health impacts of greatest concern
- To identify the people most at risk
- To develop action steps:
- How can we address our priorities with existing capacity? Do we need to develop additional capacity?
- How can we reduce severe heat impacts on older adults in our community?
Registration is free. a light meal will be served. For more information: www.uvpublichealth.org/climate-and-health
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