March 24, 2016 @ 9:30 am – 11:00 am America/New York Timezone
Hartford Municipal Building, Meeting Room 2
TAC Meetings

Two Rivers-Ottauquechee RPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting
Thursday March 24, 2016
Hartford Town Hall, Conference Room 2, 171 Bridge St, WRJ, VT 9:30AM – 11:00AM
1. Introductions.
2. Approval of January 12 Minutes.
3. FY18 Regional Project Prioritization – Rita (45 mins)
Rita will go over the projects under this year’s prioritization process.
4. Statewide Park and Ride Facilities Plan – Jackie Cassino, VTrans (25 mins)
Jackie will present on the new Park and Ride Facilities Plan.
5. Better Roads Grant update – Rita
Rita will review what projects are in application for the region.
6. Other business?
• Road Foreman roundtable training – Best Road Management Practices
Tuesday April 26 @ VTC
Future meeting topics? Next meeting on Thursday May 12, 2016. Location TBD contact Rita Seto at [email protected]