- When:
March 9, 2017 @ 9:30 am – 11:00 am
America/New York Timezone
- Where:
Hartford Town Hall
171 Bridge St
White River Junction, VT 05001
- Cost:
- Free
- Contact:
- Categories:
- TAC Meetings
1. Introductions.
2. Approval of January 12 Minutes.
3. Project Prioritization / Pre-Candidate Bridges / District Leveling (Rita)
4. Sharon Park and Ride Scoping Report – Wayne Davis, VTrans Park and Ride Manager
TAC needs to select a preferred alternative to VTrans for input
5. 2017 Better Roads Funding (Rita)
a) Grant window: January 23 to March 17, 2017
b) Applications planned?
6. Other business
• VTrans I-89 Exit 3 Royalton Park and Ride Informational Meeting
• 2017 field season – traffic counts, culvert + road erosion inventories
Future meeting topics? Next meeting on Thursday May 11, 2017. Location TBD
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