June 24, 2020 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm America/New York Timezone
TRORC Board Meetings

NOTE:     Virtual Meeting                                                      

Under Act 92, this Board is legally allowed to host electronic meetings due to the COVID-19 situation. If you need accommodations for this meeting, please contact Peter Gregory at [email protected]

TRORC will hold its Annual Meeting Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. Via Zoom (see call-in instructions below)


Proposed Agenda

  1. Call to Order/Approval of Agenda/Introductions/Public Comment – 6:30 p.m.
  1. Approval of the May Meeting Minutes (attached).
  1. Acceptance of the May Financial Reports (attached).
  1. Approval of the proposed FY 21 TRORC Budget (attached).
  1. Action on Election of Officers. Nominating Committee Report:

Jerry Fredrickson, Chair; Bill Emmons, Vice Chair; Nancy Jones, Treasurer; David Brandau, Secretary; Bill Edgerton and Nancy Malmquist, Members of the Executive Committee; Ken Alton, Jenn Colby, Meg Emmons, Beth Long and Meghan Butts, Members at Large.

  1. Action on FY 21 Student Scholarships – Scholarship Report attached. Nancy Jones and her Committee recommend eight recipients for FY 21.
  1. Volunteer of the Year Award. Nominator Nancy Jones will make the Presentation.  Award winner Monique Priestley’s resume is attached.
  1. Authorization for the Executive Committee to proceed with the Intermunicipal Contract with seven Member Towns between Board meetings.
  2. Staff/Commissioner Updates
    1. Commissioner Items
    2. Legislative Updates
    3. Draft Regional Plan
    4. TRORC Projects
  1. Adjournment – 8:00 p.m.

NOTE:  If you are unable to attend, please notify your town’s other representative so he or she can attend.  Thank you!

The next TRORC Board Meeting will be held on September 23, 2020.   A full packet and agenda will be sent out to Commissioners in mid-September.


Meeting ID: 917 5359 5544

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