September 13, 2023 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm America/New York Timezone


DRAFT REMC Minutes 5.31.23

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Meeting ID: 836 9448 7735
Passcode: 169211


1. Call to Order
2. Approval of May 31, 2023, REMC meeting minutes
3. “Hotwash”/after action discussion of recent flood events
Some questions to think about in relation to the latest flood and response/recovery:
a. Who took command?
b. Does the local road department mesh well with the local emergency management structure, and if so, what are keys to that success?
c. What surprised you?
d. What surprised people that shouldn’t have?
e. Do residents have a realistic idea of what towns, the state, or FEMA actually do during or after disasters?
f. What communications worked well for reaching residents before or after the flood, and what would you do differently in terms of messaging?
4. Questions
5. Adjournment