- When:
March 29, 2021 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
America/New York Timezone
Proposed Agenda:
- Open Meeting, Review February 2nd Minutes and Objectives for the Meeting
- Review Refined list of Action Items (below)
- Discuss New Trends to Identify new Action Items
Based on our discussions last meeting:
Under Strategy 1: Delete Action 1A and retain Action 1B
Under Strategy 2: Delete Action 2A, retain Actions 2B and 2C
Under Strategy 3: Retain Action 3A and 3B
Under Strategy 4: Retain Action 4A and modify Act 4B to once a year
Under Strategy 5: Retain Actions 5A and 5B and collapse 5C and 5D into one action
Under Strategy 6: Retain Action 6A
New Trends to discuss:
- Potential Population increases
- Accelerating housing crisis
- Broadband needs for ecommerce and telehealth and education
- Death of bricks and mortar retail
- Climate issues
- Other?
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98480028408?pwd=SlgzY2ZMaDBXcThHUXlsR0szRUkwUT09
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