March 29, 2021 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm America/New York Timezone

Proposed Agenda:

  1. Open Meeting, Review February 2nd Minutes and Objectives for the Meeting
  2. Review Refined list of Action Items (below)
  3. Discuss New Trends to Identify new Action Items


Based on our discussions last meeting:

Under Strategy 1:  Delete Action 1A and retain Action 1B

Under Strategy 2:  Delete Action 2A, retain Actions 2B and 2C

Under Strategy 3:  Retain Action 3A and 3B

Under Strategy 4:  Retain Action 4A and modify Act 4B to once a year

Under Strategy 5:  Retain Actions 5A and 5B and collapse 5C and 5D into one action

Under Strategy 6:  Retain Action 6A


New Trends to discuss:

  1. Potential Population increases
  2. Accelerating housing crisis
  3. Broadband needs for ecommerce and telehealth and education
  4. Death of bricks and mortar retail
  5. Climate issues
  6. Other?

Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98480028408?pwd=SlgzY2ZMaDBXcThHUXlsR0szRUkwUT09