November 18, 2015 @ 9:00 am – 12:30 pm America/New York Timezone
Vermont Tech Campus
Beth Demers, Project Manager

Communication that Works!

November 11th, 9:00am – 12:30pm

This hands on, interactive workshop explores communication styles and differences, and helps participants identify and employ new strategies to improve communication and reduce tension.  In addition to exploring different styles, we lead participants in looking at their judgments and “mind filters” which often derail communication.  Listening, managing emotions, and managing hot topics are also covered.  The instructional design can also be customized to include additional material.


Managing Conflict in the Workplace

November 18th, 9:00am – 12:30pm

Conflict is a natural part of business life.  This session teaches participants how to recognize that a conflict is escalating and minimize damage by using the most appropriate resolution tactics regardless of which stage a conflict is in.  Participants also learn the true cost of conflict to an organization and techniques for effectively handling even the most challenging conflict-related discussions.


Building Trust and Building Teams

December 11th, 9:00 – 12:30pm

Trust is the foundation of all strong teams while the absence of trust is considered the first dysfunction of teams. Without trust teams can’t be successful.  Yet most leaders pay little attention to the nuanced behaviors that build or break trust.  This team building workshop will focus on how to strengthen trust and how to rebuild it if it is broken.  Four different types of trust will be covered.  The training will also explore key aspects of strong teams beyond trust as well as how to build strong teams once trust is established.  The training will be interactive, hand on, and fun.

Take, one, two or all three!  Register at: https://events.vtc.edu


All trainings will be held at the Vermont Tech/CCV campus in Brattleboro.


For questions and registration assistance contact:

Beth Demers, Project Manager

Vermont Tech

Continuing Education & Workforce Development


[email protected]