VTrans would like to know what roadway characteristics provide YOU a level of comfort while bicycling on Vermont’s State roadways? Wide shoulders? Low traffic volumes? Do the characteristics that provide comfort change in a rural context versus village centers?

Take the on-line VTrans On-Road Bicycle Plan Phase II ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS SURVEY to let us know!

As part of the planning process, the survey will inform the final evaluation criteria used to assess the comfort level of high-use/priority bicycle corridors. The survey closes March 10, 2017.

For more information visit the project webpage at https://vtrans.vermont.gov/planning/bikeplan.

Subscribe to [email protected] for project updates.


If you have questions or comments related to this project, please contact VTrans Planning Coordinator:

Sommer Bucossi at 802-828-3884  or email [email protected]