Emerald Ash Borer

Update 6/28: New EAB Detections in VT, Flight Season has started, and How to “Slow the Spread” 

Update 4/9: Vermont Emerald Ash Borer Season Redefined: Now 6/1-9/30

MONTPELIER —  The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation (VTFPR) and the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Foods & Markets (VAAFM) report that emerald ash borer (EAB), a destructive forest insect from Asia, has been detected in Vermont. Officials with the USDA Animal & Plant Health and Inspection Service (APHIS) have confirmed the identification of a beetle recently found in northern Orange County, Vermont. The insect was reported through the vtinvasives.org website.

EAB overwinter as larvae under the bark of ash trees where they feed on the inner bark tissue. Once infested, ash trees rapidly decline and are killed in 3-5 years. This pest is known to be established in 32 states and three Canadian provinces, and is responsible for widespread decline and mortality of hundreds of millions of ash trees in North America.

Ash trees comprise approximately 5% of Vermont forests and are also a very common and important urban tree. EAB threatens white ash, green ash and black ash in Vermont and could have significant ecological and economic impacts. There are no proven means to control EAB in forested areas, though individual trees can sometimes be effectively treated.

State and federal forest health officials have convened and are preparing to implement an emergency action plan in response to the recent EAB detection in Vermont. A multi-agency delineation survey effort, including personnel from VAAFM, VTFPR, APHIS, US Forest Service and the University of Vermont Extension, will be launched in the upcoming days to determine the extent of the EAB infestation. Results of the survey will inform subsequent management recommendations and quarantine decisions and will be released to the public.

Slowing the spread of EAB is very important. While adult EAB are capable of flying short distances, humans have accelerated spread by moving infested material, particularly firewood, long distances. Residents and visitors are reminded to protect Vermont’s forests by buying and burning local firewood.

VT Community Forestry Ash Inventory


If you plan on mapping your public ash trees, choose a GPS-based inventory that ties each tree or grouping of trees to a specific location. VT UCF collaborated with the GIS team at the Agency of Natural Resources to develop a map-based tool that will allow towns to collect basic data on their ash trees (size class, condition, location, and comments). The inventory can be conducted on foot or from a moving vehicle. We have piloted this tool in a few communities this summer (2018) and it is now available for all VT towns.  There are also a variety of GPS apps available for smart devices that may suit your needs.  

We’ve created a video tutorial that demonstrates how the Rural Roadside Ash Inventory Tool works.  Click to watch Part 1 and Part 2 of the video tutorial.  Additionally, check out the Rural Roadside Ash Inventory Tool Guide to learn more.   The Rural Roadside Ash Inventory tool has been developed by the Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program (VT UCF) in collaboration with the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources GIS team. The tool utilizes an app, ArcGIS Collector, that can be downloaded to any smart phone or tablet. VT UCF can loan a limited number of iPads to support ash inventories. Please direct questions about the Rural Roadside Ash Inventory Tool to Elise Schadler, Technical Assistance Coordinator, at [email protected] or 802.522.6015.


Wild Chervil

Wild Chervil is in bloom across the region now. Mowing or pulling chervil before it goes to seed helps reduce its spread.  Plants are best pulled when ground is saturated.  Dispose of plants in trash, stack to dry, or put in special designated composting areas that will not create additional spread.

Mowing after it goes to see just increases infestations.

Details about chervil can be found here.

Some people are sensitive to chervil so wear protective clothing and gloves and work on cloudy days as its sap is photo-reactive.  Avoid direct contact with sap.



-Landowners with questions are encouraged to contact their county forester. You can find more information at vtinvasives.org.

-Overview of and Management Strategies for Emerald Ash Borer Presentation from VT Urban & Community Forestry Program 2/27/19