An Employer Guide to Substance Misuse
LINK Created by United Way of Northwest Vermont in collaboration with United Way’s Working Bridges Program and Prevention Works!VT, this toolkit offers information and guidance…
LINK Created by United Way of Northwest Vermont in collaboration with United Way’s Working Bridges Program and Prevention Works!VT, this toolkit offers information and guidance…
In May of 2023, the Town of Hartford (Vermont) revised its parks ordinance to include stronger language prohibiting substance use on town-owned park land. The…
The Town of Weathersfield’s Zoning Bylaw (as adopted April 5, 2021) establishes mandatory buffer zones between drug and tobacco paraphernalia establishments and sensitive land uses,…
In 2023, Woodstock village updated its smokefree parks ordinance. Tags: cannabis, municipal policy, tobacco products, tobacco substitutes, substance-free, prevention, recovery
Last updated: 4/14/2023 The resource aggregates sample health-related policy language from adopted town plans across the state, organized by topic area. If you know of…
This matrix outlines potential development impacts of various types of cannabis establishments, as reported in the literature and experienced by communities around the country. None…
The City of Winooski established procedures for its Local Cannabis Control Commission to use when reviewing cannabis establishment license applications. Tags: Local Cannabis Control Commission,…
The Town of Hartford established procedures for the Local Cannabis Control Commission to use when reviewing cannabis establishment license applications. Tags: Local Cannabis Control Commission,…
In 2022, Winooski created an application for local licenses for cannabis establishments. Tags: local cannabis control commission, license
In 2022, the Town of Hartford developed an application for local licenses for cannabis establishments, modeled off of the application developed by Winooski. Tags: local…
This policy prohibits the possession or use of all lighted tobacco and cannabis products and use of tobacco substitutes (including vaping devices) in public and…
Policy Template for Smoke-free Municipal-Owned Parks, Beaches and Recreational Areas, from the VT Department of Health Tobacco Control Program
Municipal.Guidance_FINAL (1)This guidance is provided by the Vermont Cannabis Control Board to assist municipalities working with individuals and businesses seeking to establish a cannabis business…
Recovery-friendly communities make it easier for people to stay sober if they are in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. An RFC would consider the…
This is an assessment tool for towns to see where the town currently stands with in-place youth protective factors, including zoning, town ordinances, health chapters…
“Restorative justice (RJ) is a broad term that encompasses a growing social movement to institutionalize non-punitive, relationship-centered approaches for avoiding and addressing harm, responding to…